It’s already the third day of printing and we are getting more and more colourful.
The workshop is open every day from 10am-6pm, including the weekend!
Each day at least one Screen Master is working here to help you out, to advise and give a short tutorial.
Costs are 10 € for the first day, every next day you are working are 5€.
The price includes free use of paper and material.
The only thing you have to bring is your transfer sheet with your ‘design’.
Categorie archieven: Past News
Dates Silkscreen Tutorials
We are happy to announce the dates of the tutorials
//What the Fuck…. How the silkscreen?!
Monday 13 December (not set yet)
Wednesday 15 December, 11am -1pm
Sunday 19 December, 11am-1pm
Monday 20 December, 1pm-3pm
DZR & MPC will give some tutorials during SCREEN LOVER, which will consist of 2 hrs hardcore theory on silkscreening, afterwards you can use everything and start working. The costs for the workshop are 10€ p.p. including paper to print on.
Please make a reservation by mail to
if you would like to participate.
What you have to bring yourself:
Your handmade drawing or printed work (copyshop) on transfer (’transparant’) paper.
To burn your Artwork on the screen you have to work black and white only! For every colour you want to use you have to make a different sheet. Maximum format you can silkscreen is 50×70 cm; everything between that margin is fine.
Here a handy link on how to prepare the print you want to make: (Read: 2.Preparing Your Artwork)
Black water resistant marker, in case you have to change some details or to make some corrections on the transfer sheet.
DZR offers 400g thick ivory white paper to print on for free; of course you can also bring some other paper to print on.
Linkse Actievoerders
Amsterdam | PVV-Kamerleden Hero Brinkman en Martin Bosma staan lijnrecht tegenover elkaar waar het de oprichting van een PVV jongerenbeweging en ledenstructuur betreft. Zo blijkt uit de interne partij-stukken die EenVandaag wist te onderscheppen.
Terwijl Brinkman de jongeren zelf zou willen uitnodigen ‘Bij wijze van spreken organiseer ik de bijeenkomsten in mijn huiskamer’, kan Bosma zich niet voorstellen dat jongeren of PVV-leden het beste met de PVV zou voorhebben. Bosma: ‘Straks vertellen de leden ons dat de islam heus wel een godsdienst is en dat 2 paspoorten wel aanvaardbaar zijn. Infiltraties zullen aan de orde van de dag zijn’. Bosma stelt bang te zijn dat ‘linkse actievoerders (bijvoorbeeld kunstenaars)’ lid zullen worden van de PVV.
Bron: De Volkskrant
Construx/ Nextpage/ BookCase
In the meanwhile the ‘Construx’ has arrived, Nextpage is moving in next door and the long awaited BookCase Catalogue has reached it’s final form.
New Look | New Exhibition(s)
September 25 | 2010
Lees verder New Look | New Exhibition(s)
Hester Scheurwater @ Dead Darlings Rotterdam 2010
Most artists strive to make a perfect artwork, something that they think is the best artwork they have ever made or that ever has been made by any dead or living artist, an artwork they want to let the whole world know about, something that says it all, a milestone in their career, a-once-in-a-lifetime creation; A Masterpiece!
But then time passes by and they realize that the masterpiece ain’t that master at all or M-MAYBE it just ends up somewhere in a corner, gathering dust, to be forgotten for what reason whatsoever and never gets to be seen by anyone or anything.
If you have such a forgotten masterpiece lying around somewhere in your studio, at home or GOD knows where, here is your chance to finally show it to the world…
To submit please send us a PDF or a high resolution JPG to with the following information:
– Title
– Medium & Dimensions
– Year of making
– Starting price
– Description text
Rules & guidelines:
– One submission per artist.
– Starting prices below €50,-
– 25% of the final selling price will go to expenses.
– Deadline for submissions is 14th January, 2010
For more information please write to: or check
and for updates!
We look forward to seeing your Dead Darlings!
Dead Darlings & De Zwarte Ruyter